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The Madre Meets Freya Broughton

The Madre Meets Freya Broughton

The Madre chatted with Freya Broughton Cook, Author of I Love You To The Fridge & Back. This brilliant new book is available to buy online here.

We understand you’ve been on a journey. Can you tell us what happened?

I suffered from agonising health issues from a young age: severe eczema, asthma and allergies, which drastically affected my quality of life, so much so that I temporarily lost my vision at 13 years old and missed large chunks of school. I was put on strong conventional medications, steroid creams, immune suppressants and anti-histamine creams, to name a few, which eventually led to my body getting overwhelmed and slowing down (chronic fatigue). It was at this time I took matters into my own hands and went natural. I document my journey and story in detail in my book.

How was working with a Naturopath?

I highly recommend it, especially when starting. It can sometimes be scary and overwhelming to go down a new path with strange, unfamiliar symptoms. However, support from a professional is vital at this time.

We love the book. Tell us what inspired it.

I wanted my suffering to be turned into someone else’s survival guide and give hope to those in need.

How did you create each recipe?

I wanted everyone’s classic comfort foods that we all love and know (blueberry muffins, toad in the hole, fish pie, etc.) to be accessible in anti-inflammatory, healthy versions.

We hear Tom Aiken is an exciting fan… any other fans?

Yes, he has been a huge support. Pauline Cox, famous for her incredible book ‘Hungry Woman’, is my mentor and a huge influence. She has her own shop ‘Sow and Arrow’ and an impressive portfolio.

What are your favourite recipes from the book?

P. 286 Banana cake, that smell! And in a healthy version – divine!

P.102 Parsnip and apple soup – great for any form of inflammation and amazingly healthy and filling.

P.130 Healthy quiche – my absolute speciality – easy, tasty, light, cheap – ticks all the boxes!

How can Agua de Madre readers buy it?

Yes, at

Which is your favourite Agua de Madre flavour?

Passion Fruit and Raspberry water kefir! Love the sweetness & all the antioxidants.

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