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The Madre's Won Gold

The Madre's Won Gold

The Madre is thrilled to bits to have been awarded a coveted gold medal in this year’s International Wine & Spirit Competition, one of the world’s largest and most influential drinks awards. The Low & No category is new to the competition's line-up this year as consumers continue to demand better low- and no-alcohol options. It’s clear that no-low is here to stay.
According to the IWSC, to win a gold medal a beverage must be: “Superb with great personality, character and complexity, but that is also true to its origins. An example that stands out among its peers as a supreme drinking experience.” We are absolutely chuffed to have been recognised by the industry-leading experts as fulfilling all these criteria.
This year’s IWSC blind-tasting panel judged our hand-crafted, small-batch water kefirs as being rich in “savoury umami aromas” layered with “fresh citrus pith”, having a lemon-meringue-like creaminess on the palate and “a balanced sweetness and depth of flavour”, and as being “delicious and moreish”. We’ll take that.
Agua de Madre is a flavour-packed, nutritious and naturally fermented alternative to sparkling wine or your favourite mixer and is overflowing with health benefits that are nigh-on impossible to find elsewhere in the drinks aisle. When you decide to indulge in a glass of effervescent Agua de Madre in place of a boozy tipple, you’re choosing to flood your digestive system with beneficial ‘live’ cultures that may boost your immune system, support your skin’s natural glow and reduce inflammation throughout your body.
All our drinks are made with organic ingredients and are brewed and bottled by hand at Casa de Madre in east London by our community of dedicated and passionate madres and padres. 
Looking for a low-no option to see you through to the silly season and beyond? This Madre’s got your back.
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