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Remedio Naturale Recipes: Madre's Live Green Smoothies

Remedio Naturale Recipes: Madre's Live Green Smoothies

This delicious green smoothie is one of the Madre's favourites, using fresh fruit and Agua de Madre water kefir as a liquid base, with Remedio Naturale paste to add a subtle ginger twist. This serves between 4-5 people (depending on the size of your glasses!)

It's also an excellent way to absorb your live cultures in the morning if you don't fancy drinking something fizzy.

What you'll need:

  • Blender/food processor
  • 1 apple, sliced
  • 1 pear, cored and quartered
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • A few handfuls of spinach, washed
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tbsp of Remedio Naturale
  • 1 x 33cl bottle of Agua de Madre Original

Here's how you do it:

  1. Place your sliced apple, pear and avocado into the blender with 1 tbsp of Remedio Naturale
  2. Add a few handfuls of spinach and some fresh mint leaves
  3. Cover with a 33cl bottle of Agua de Madre
  4. Blend thoroughly!
  5. Serve with a sprig of fresh mint in the glass.


You can watch one of our Madres making it below. Delish!



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