Our delicious water kefir is packed with billions of live cultures, low in sugar, naturally sparkling and tastes great - the perfect Christmas tipple.
Why not organise a trip to the Casa for you and your friends. We are excited to be able to open the Casa to you all. This is your chance to see where the Madre creates the magic. Our head of production Liam and our main brewer Charlie will show you around the Casa, the home of our fermenting water kefir Agua de Madre and you will see the process and taste the delicious drink.
Based on recently commissioned research by a specialist team at Huddersfield University we now know the three dominant bacteria that are at work within Agua de Madre...
Based on recently commissioned research by a specialist team at Huddersfield University we now know the three dominant bacteria that are at work within Agua de Madre...
Everyone’s drinking kefir these days. It may seem like a new thing, but it’s actually an ancient drink teeming with health benefits...
Everyone’s drinking kefir these days. It may seem like a new thing, but it’s actually an ancient drink teeming with health benefits...
The Madre is thrilled to bits to win Gold 95 Points for her Blood Orange Bitters Kefir Water in this years International Wine and Spirit Competition...
The Madre is thrilled to bits to win Gold 95 Points for her Blood Orange Bitters Kefir Water in this years International Wine and Spirit Competition...