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The Umbel Casa Takeover

The Umbel Casa Takeover

The Umbel are taking over the Casa de Madre on the 30th April 2022 to host a series of exciting fermenting events. Find out more below.

Why we love water kefir

What is it about water kefir that makes it the only ferment I make that every single member of my family has and continues to consume persistently?

Is it its fizzy playfulness? Is it it's versatility that enables it to take any flavour I throw at it, from turmeric and ginger to elderflower? From black currant, to blackberry to rose? Is it because it is just so refreshing, thirst-quenching and enlivening to drink chilled from the fridge? Or because it is the epitome of joyful “bubbles up your nose” subtlety with no sharp shadow side to it? It is, I think, for all these reasons that after many years of fermenting, my water kefir routine continues metronomically and even as the children grow and change, they still drink it. And for my husband and I, it seems to be replacing gin and tonic more and more often.

We don’t drink it because it is good for us (it is) or because it contains around 10-15 strains of naturally-occurring lactic acid bacteria, generally known to benefit health (it does). We don’t drink it because by the time it has been flavoured with fruit and herbs, it also contains some of their beneficial phytochemicals too (it does). We drink it because it tastes exquisite.

Whether you make it or buy it, however you get hold of it, try some?

And if you want to learn how to make it yourself and find out more about Agua de Madre water kefir at the same time, check out @theumbel bio for links to some fun and accessible fermenting events run by me and hosted at Agua de Madre in Hackney on 30 April.

Find out about the fermented drinks event here.
Find out about the fermented veg event here.


About The Umbel

Jo is a medical herbalist, a gut health and fermented foods specialist and a nutritionist. She used to be a lawyer and also has a degree in psychology. She is devoted to helping people address their health issues using nutrition, medicinal herbs and a focus on gut health. She knows, from first-hand experience, how challenging changing entrenched behaviours can be, but she continues to strive to be the change she wants to see in the world. Jo is mother to 4 awesome young people and she loves reading, learning, asking questions, being outside, fermenting, herbing and laughing.

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