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Three cocktails to get you through Spring Season

Three cocktails to get you through Spring Season

Booze Hound, Low ABV well-balanced Pro or No Alcohol Body is A v Clean Temple Type; Agua De Madre is with you all the way. 

We’re not saying you need alcohol to help you get through Mother’s Day, Easter and the shock of seeing the sun emerge from Spring as we hurtle towards Summer. We’re not. Far from it in fact. We’re just here to help you appreciate the little moments that will help turn your life into an ongoing celebration.

Not only are these three delicious beverages on a sliding scale of alcohol content for every possible eventuality, but, containing Agua De madre as they all do, each provides probiotic, fermented goodness designed to heal you from the inside out (even with the alcohol content)  beginning with gut and microbiome health, all the way through to influencing everything to and including positive mental health. 

We call that a WIN WIN situation. 

Full Strength Classic Cocktail:

The Madre’s Passion Punch

Agua de Madre cocktail image

  • 2 tablespoons of honey

  • 1 cup of ripe pineapple, chopped

  • 100ml of dark rum

  • Agua de Madre Passionfruit and Raspberry water kefir to top up the glass

  • Dried pineapple rings, mint sprigs, raspberries, and halved passion fruit, to serve

Place honey in a large frypan over medium heat and bring to a simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add pineapple and cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes or until lightly caramelised. Cool completely, then place in a blender with rum and whiz to a puree.

Strain pineapple puree through a fine sieve into two glasses filled with ice and top up with Agua de Madre Passion Fruit and Raspberry water kefir. 

Garnish with dried pineapple, mint and a few fresh raspberries or a half passionfruit.


Low ABV Cocktail:

La Madre Fresca

Blood Orange Bitters

Muddle a handful of the fresh berries in a cocktail shaker with lime juice and sugar syrup.

Add the gin and some ice and shake well. Strain into a large tumbler with ice and top up with Agua de Madre Blood Orange Bitters. Garnish with fresh berries. 

No Alcohol Cocktail:

The Madre de Botivo 

Botivo & Agua de Madre

  • 15ml of Botivo 

  • Agua de Madre Blood Orange Bitters water kefir to top up

  • Orange for garnish

Fill a large glass with ice. 

Top up with Agua de Madre Blood Orange Bitters and garnish with a slice of orange.


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