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Remedio Naturale Recipes: Madre's Bibimbap

Remedio Naturale Recipes: Madre's Bibimbap

Bibimbap is a traditional Korean rice dish. This is the Madre’s vegan take on the delicious Korean classic! Served with kimchi and an Agua de Madre water kefir, this dish is superfood for the gut! This recipe serves two people.

Here's what you need:

For the marinade:

  • 3 tbsp Remedio Naturale
  • Generous glug of olive oil
  • A few cloves of garlic, crushed
  • Soy sauce, to taste

 For the toppings:

  • 200g tofu, chopped into cubes
  • 2 carrots, shredded into fine ribbons
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • Cucumber, chopped into coins
  • Spring onion
  • Sesame seeds
  • Green leafy veg
  • Kimchi

 To serve:

- Bed of white rice

 Here's how you do it:

  1. Make your marinade by mixing the Remedio Naturale with olive oil, garlic and soy sauce.
  2. Tip your cubes of tofu into the marinade and put aside for 30+ minutes (the longer you leave it, the better the flavour!)
  3. In a separate bowl, shred your carrots into fine ribbons using a potato peeler. Cover the carrot ribbons in 1tbsp of rice vinegar and put aside.
  4. Now chop up your cucumber and spring onions. Make sure you’re rice is cooking by this point!
  5. Fry your marinated tofu for 10+ minutes (the longer you leave it, the crispier it’ll become).
  6. Lightly steam your green leafy veg (we used kale) and flavour with soy sauce.
  7. Toast your sesame seeds quickly in a small pan
  8. Build your bowl: top the rice with kimchi, green veg, cucumber, spring onions, carrot ribbons and tofu. Season with sauces (soy sauce, sweet chilli) and top with sesame seeds!
  9. Serve with a delicious water kefir: we love Agua de Madre's Passionfruit & Raspberry kefir with this one!

You can watch one of our Madres make the Bibimbap below:



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